Fight that Post-Holiday Bloat

Did you enter the new year feeling sluggish and bloated? Here are some tips to get your digestive health back on track.

We are out of the holiday season and ready to begin 2023 on the right foot. It's normal to feel sluggish after all the celebrating from Christmas and New Years. Here are just a few ways to get fight that bloated, tired feeling. 

Add Fiber to your Diet

After the holidays it is very common to hear New Year's resolutions centered around eliminating certain food from a diet. Instead of focusing on what you should take out from your diet, how about think of fiber rich foods you can add to your diet to improve your digestive health. Fiber helps to keep your digestive system running smoothly. Here are some food that are high in fiber:






Drink your water!

It is no secret that drinking water is extremely important for overall health, but did you know that water also aids digestion? Water helps everything moving along in your digestive system. During the holidays the food we eat is often high in sodium, which increases water retention and bloating. Water helps to offset this bloating by flushing out that excess sodium. If you struggle to drink enough water, grab your favorite cup and keep sipping off it all day.

Get up and get active

If you have that full, bloated feeling, try adding a 30 minute walk into your routine. Exercise promotes healthy gut health, and walking is a great, low-impact form of exercise that nearly everyone can do. Regular exercise promotes the growth of bacteria that help keep our gut healthy.

Remember, it is normal to feel a little sluggish and bloated after indulging in food and drink. However, if you are experiencing prolonged bloated and abdominal discomfort, it may be a sign of an underlying condition. If you are experiencing constant bloating and inflammation, it is time to make an appointment with your doctor.