How to manage allergy season in Louisiana

Your immune system protects you from invading organisms that can cause illness. Sometimes, your immune system can mistake an otherwise harmless substance for an invader and overreact. This substance is called an allergen and the reaction is an allergy.

Living in Louisiana can mean struggling with a unique set of allergy symptoms that can be tough to handle. Our weak winters and persistent moisture cause plants to prosper, creating more pollen throughout the year and better conditions for other kinds of allergies. Common allergy symptoms include:

  • Eye discomfort: redness, itching, swelling, tearing
  • Sinus discomfort: pain, pressure, recurrent infections, drainage
  • Nasal discomfort: congestion, itchiness, postnasal drip
  • Skin problems: irritation, itching, welts, rash, hives
  • Ear discomfort: fullness, pain, recurrent infections
  • Respiratory symptoms: shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness
  • Overall health: fatigue or hyperactivity

Some of the most common allergies in Louisiana include:

  • Mold. Occurs frequently because of damp and humid weather. Many sufferers experience a stuffy nose and congestion. Mold allergies can be dangerous to those with asthma.
  • Tree pollen. Louisiana has a diverse assortment of trees which means plenty of tree pollen carried through the wind. Those with tree pollen allergies are recommended to stay indoors on especially windy days.
  • Flower pollen. One of the more common species of flowers in Louisiana to cause allergies is the ragweed. The wind blows their pollen around causing sufferers to feel sneezy, watery eyes and a blocked nose.
  • Grass pollen. Windy days means pollen from grass is spread in the same way that flower pollen is spread.
  • Dust/dander. A buildup of dust or pets entering a home can mean itchy eyes and congestion.

Allergies in Louisiana tend to last longer, making quick and effective relief very important for allergy sufferers. There is no need to suffer if your allergy symptoms stick around for an extended period. If allergy symptoms progress to a level of severe, discomfort make sure to consult your options with an allergist.